Living in California , USA Vs Minnesota , USA Vs - Nextburb
Explore the best-ranked places in California and Minnesota. Population - California, USA is 85% above Minnesota, USA. Median Age - California, USA is 4% below Minnesota, USA and 7% below the national average. Unempolyment Rate - In comparison with the national unemployment rate, California, USA has 33% more and Minnesota, USA has 25% less.
U.S. States comparison: Minnesota vs California 2025
U.S. States comparison: Minnesota vs California. Subscribe to our free email alert service ... California. Capital: Sacramento; Population: 38,965,193; Surface Area: 423,967 km2 French Portuguese Spanish. USA states. Compare countries. Compare. Latest published data. Maldivians CPI increased up to 4.8% year-on-year in December of 2024 ...
U.S. States comparison: California vs Minnesota 2025
California vs Minnesota. World Europe Asia America Africa Oceania. Secondary menu. Copyright Countryeconomy.com; Legal Notice
Cost of living in Minnesota (US) compared to California (US)
California is 20.2% more expensive than Minnesota. The cost of housing, childcare, entertainment and sports, transportation, restaurants, and groceries in California are more expensive than in Minnesota. If you lived in California instead of Minnesota, you would: Show 1 more.. Show 8 more.. Show 1 more.. Show 2 more.. Show 1 more..
10 Things To Know Before Moving From Minnesota To California
Mar 21, 2023 · While California is warm and sunny, Minnesota is freezing cold in the winter. There is a world of difference in the cost of living too. Minnesota is quite affordable, whereas California is ridiculously expensive. Here are 10 things to consider, before moving from Minnesota to …
What is the cost of living in Minnesota vs California?
Jun 25, 2024 · Overall, California has a higher cost of living compared to Minnesota. Here is a breakdown of the cost of living in both states: 1. Is Minnesota cheaper than California? Yes, Minnesota is generally cheaper than California. The cost of living in Minnesota is 27.2% lower than in California. 2.
Moving from California to Minnesota: Costs + Benefits - North …
Moving from California to Minnesota can be quite an undertaking. Want to know the benefits and cost to relocating? Get your questions answered and a free quote.
Size of Minnesota compared to California - MyLifeElsewhere.com
Minnesota is about 2 times smaller than California. California is approximately 403,882 sq km, while Minnesota is approximately 206,189 sq km, making Minnesota 51.05% the size of California. Meanwhile, the population of California is ~37.3 million people (32.0 million fewer people live in Minnesota).
Move From California to Minnesota | ExitCalifornia.org
To make your move from California to Minnesota easier, consider changing your address online. It is easy to do, inexpensive, and will ensure that your mail arrives to your new home with you. Whether you love nature and the outdoors or city life, there’s an area of Minnesota for you.
U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts: Minnesota; California; United …
Jul 1, 2022 · Minnesota; California; United States. QuickFacts provides statistics for all states and counties, and for cities and towns with a population of 5,000 or more.